Tortila chips

Kamu bisa membuat Tortila chips menggunakan 3 bahan ini dan dengan 3 cara mudah untuk memasaknya.
Komposisi untuk membuat Tortila chips
- Ambil Kulit kebab homemade.
- Ambil Minyak untuk menggoreng.
- Siapkan Bumbu tabur aneka rasa.
Even though tortilla chips might seem like something easy to make There are many factors that a perfectly crispy tortilla chips depends on, including the quality of the tortilla, the temperature of the. Corn and tortilla chips are the fastest-growing market within the salted snack category. Tortilla chips have a stronger alkaline-cooked flavor and a crispier texture than corn chips. Tortilla chips are without a doubt a favorite snack food, right up there with popcorn and hot dogs!
Cara mengolah Tortila chips
- Panggang kulit kebab sampai matang,angin2kan seharian sampai kering.potong kecil-kecil..
- Panaskan minyak dengan api kecil,goreng sampai kekuningan.tiriskan minyaknya..
- Setelah kripik dingin masukan dalam toples bertutup beri bumbu tabur sesuai selera(me:rasa barbekyu),kocok hingga kripik terbalut bumbu.tortila chips siap di santap 😋.
They're served at sporting events, movie theaters, parties and gatherings. They are lighter, crispier and with a more authentic corn taste than packaged tortilla chips. These baked tortilla chips are really easy to make. These Homemade Baked Tortilla Chips are fast, easy, super crunchy, a great way to use up leftover tortillas Oven Baked Tortilla Chips. What Kind of Tortillas Do I Need?