Perfect Chocolate Ganache 👌🏻

Kamu bisa mengolah Perfect Chocolate Ganache 👌🏻 menggunakan 6 bahan ini dan dengan 6 cara sederhana untuk membuatnya.
Komposisi untuk mengolah Perfect Chocolate Ganache 👌🏻
- Siapkan 300 g kualitas coklat terbaik (50-70%) France or Belgium.
- Tambahkan 1 1/2 cups (360 ml) heavy cream.
- Siapkan 1 sdm light corn syrup/maple syrup/glucose.
- Tambahkan Seujung jari garam halus.
- Siapkan 2 sdm mentega tawar, suhu ruang.
- Tambahkan 1 sdm pure vanilla extract.
Anytime I include chocolate ganache in a recipe, I always get lots and lots of comments in the questions. The two ingredients that make up a ganache are: chocolate and heavy whipping cream. You can also use flavored creamer, which opens up all sorts of fun flavor possibilities! How the ratio of chocolate to cream greatly impacts the final texture.
Cara mengolah Perfect Chocolate Ganache 👌🏻
- Siapkan semua bahan2 & letakan coklat di mangkok anti panas (metal or gelas) hindari dari bahan plastic atau kayu..
- Panaskan heavy cream, syrup/glucose & garam di panci dgn api sedang-kecil. Biarkan sampe mendidih. Matikan api, angkat & siram di atas coklat. Biarkan selama satu menit. Aduk/kocok pelan dgn whisk sampai tercampur rata & mengkilap. Masukkan mentega tawar & vanilla, aduk pelan sampai bnr2 tercampur rata..
- Dinginkan di kulkas sebelum di pakai..
- Untuk glaze: dinginkan kira2 sepuluh menit/suhu ruang. Masih cair tapi tidak panas lagi. Siram di kue yg sudah di frosting/dingin..
- Untuk filling / frosting: dinginkan kira2 30 menit. Keras tapi masih bisa di aduk lembut (seperti selai coklat / Nutella).
- Selamat mencoba 😊.
Which ratio to use will depend on your need and preferences. These ratios don't have to be perfect, you can increase or decrease the chocolate to cream depending on your desired consistency. Note that as ganache cools it becomes. How to make chocolate ganache, White Chocolate Ganache Recipe, Chocolate Ganache for Cake Decorating. In this post, I share with you everything you It's a perfect blend of chocolate and fresh cream.