Glaze donat home made

Kamu bisa mengolah Glaze donat home made menggunakan 4 bahan ini dan dengan 4 cara simpel untuk memasaknya.
Bahan-bahan untuk mengolah Glaze donat home made
- Siapkan 200 gr gula halus.
- Ambil 5 sdm susu cair.
- Tambahkan 5 sdm minyak.
- Tambahkan Pop ice aneka rasa.
Next, make sure to glaze your donuts while they're still warm! This way, it'll stick much YEAST RAISED CHOCOLATE GLAZED DOUGHNUTS Homemade donuts are the best thing you can ever make. They are a bit of extra work but definitely worth the effort.
Cara mengolah Glaze donat home made
- Campurkan gula halus dan susu cair aduk rata, kemudian masukkan minyak, aduk lg sampai rata.
- Bagi adonan gula menjadi beberapa bagian sesuai warna yg diinginkan.
- Tambahkan pop ice atau pewarna makanan, aduk rata.
- Glaze siap digunakan.
These homemade donuts are super easy to make, not overly sweet, and the kids will love them! The chocolate glaze provides the perfect canvas for holiday sprinkles for a festive. You'll want a thick consistency to dip your donut holes into. Delicious, homemade donuts that are fried and topped with a delicious glaze making them irresistible! Whether you like your donuts fresh out of the oven or dunked in coffee, filled with strawberry jam or with a colorful glaze on top.