Ice cream saus ganache
Kamu bisa mengolah Ice cream saus ganache menggunakan 10 bahan ini dan dengan 5 cara mudah untuk membuatnya.
Bahan-bahan untuk memasak Ice cream saus ganache
- Tambahkan Ice cream.
- Tambahkan 500 ml fresh cream.
- Ambil 1 kaleng SKM (putih/coklat).
- Siapkan 1 sdt rhum.
- Tambahkan 50 cc ganache.
- Siapkan Saus ganache.
- Tambahkan 300 ml fresh cream.
- Tambahkan 300 gr DCC.
- Ambil 2 sdm unsalted butter.
- Ambil 1 sdm bubuk coklat van houtten.
This glaze is used for pouring over cakes, dipping cupcakes and cookies, pouring over ice cream, as well as other pastries or sweet treats. Chocolate ganache is a basic pastry component utilized in for a wide variety of uses. Made of heavy cream and dark chocolate, you would be hard pressed to find a dessert with a shorter ingredient list. Not to mention that many of us probably have these items in the house Depending on how much chocolate or cream you add, you can make chocolate ganache runnier or quite firm.
Cara mengolah Ice cream saus ganache
- Ganache : Siapkan semua bahan, potong-potong dcc. Panaskan air dan tempat untuk memasak dengan cara double boil..
- Setelah air mendidih masukan fresh cream, tunggu sampai panas dan berbuih kemudia tambahkan dcc aduk rata..
- Tambahkan coklat bubuk, aduk rata dan masukkan butter. Kegunaan butter supaya coklat terlihat mengkilat. Dinginkan..
- Ice cream : Keluarkan fresh cream dari kulkas, kemudian mixer dengan kecepatan tinggi, ketika sudah sedikit padat masukkan SKM dan rhum kemudian mixer lagi sampai padat..
- Aduk rata, simpan di freezer kurang lebih 8jam atau untuk hasil optimal diamkan selama sehari. Sajikan dengan siraman saus ganache..
Put the chocolate in a large mixing bowl. Pour the cream into a saucepan with the sugar and bring to a simmer, stirring continuously until the sugar is melted. This is just one of many in a long line of chocolate ice creams that Eddie deems abnormal and then starts shouting WHY To make the ganache fudge, add the chocolate to a large bowl. Heat the heavy cream over medium-low heat in a saucepan until it's just bubbling along. Heavy whipping cream is the traditional choice, but you can even use crème fraiche or sour cream.