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Hot dog buns

Although hot dogs were not on our menu this past fourth of July weekend, we enjoyed quite a few the week before, with these delicious, soft, easy Homemade Hot Dog Buns that I made. Perfect Hotdog rolls / buns are really easy to make, and despite the long rising times are well worth the effort. The full printable recipe is on our. Resep masakan sederhana kali ini kita akan membuat Hot dog buns dengan 3 langkah. Langsung saja disimak cara membuatnya.

Hot dog buns
Starting with the longer side, roll up tightly, and pinch edges and ends to seal. Flatten the cylinders slightly; dough rises more in the center so this will give a gently rounded top versus a high top. Hot Dog Buns: In this instructable I will show you how to make yummy hot dog buns.

Kamu bisa membuat Hot dog buns menggunakan 11 bahan ini dan dengan 3 cara simpel untuk membuatnya.

Komposisi untuk memasak Hot dog buns

  1. Siapkan 260 tepung terigu protein tinggi.
  2. Tambahkan 1 butir telur.
  3. Tambahkan 30 gram gula pasir.
  4. Siapkan 30 gram margarin.
  5. Ambil 1/2 sdt garam.
  6. Siapkan 1 kuning telur untuk olesan.
  7. Ambil 2 sdm chia seed.
  8. Tambahkan Bahan biang:.
  9. Siapkan 1 sdt ragi instant.
  10. Ambil 110 ml air hangat/ susu cair.
  11. Tambahkan 1 sdt gula pasir.

This homemade hot dog bun recipe is really easy to make and only requires a few ingredients. Split your hot dog buns in half. The amounts will depend on how many hot dog. Easy and delicious hot dog buns recipe video using simple ingredients.

Cara mengolah Hot dog buns

  1. Campur bahan biang hingga berbuih kurang lebih 10 menit. Diwadah lain campur terigu dan gula pasir, aduk rata. Sisihkan..
  2. Setelah 10 menit, tambahkan telur kedalam bahan biang, aduk asal rata. Tambahkan kedalam wadah tepung aduk hingga tercampur rata dan kalis. Tambahkan margarin dan garam, aduk hingga kalis lalu diamkan hingga mengembang 2x lipat.
  3. Kempeskan adonan lalu timbang 50 gram. Diamkan 10 menit, ambil adonan lalu gilas memanjang dan gulung dari atas kebawah hingga adonan lonjong. Taruh diloyang bersemir margarin, diamlan hingga mengembang 2x lipat. Olesi dengan kuning telur, taburi chia seed dan oven kurang lebih 10 menit..

Enjoy hot dogs to their fullest with these Keto Hot Dog Buns! They are fast and easy make! At no additional cost to you, I may make a small commission for purchases made through links in this post. Hot Dogs buns, perfect to accompany with our favorite ingredients. Step by step how to make them at home and enjoy a super tender hot dog bun.

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