Blackforest pengantin
Kamu bisa membuat Blackforest pengantin menggunakan 13 bahan ini dan dengan 5 cara simpel untuk memasaknya.
Komposisi untuk membuat Blackforest pengantin
- Ambil 10 butir kuning telur.
- Siapkan 4 butir telur utuh.
- Tambahkan 190 gr gula pasir.
- Ambil 1 sdt penuh sp.
- Siapkan 35 gr susu bubuk full cream.
- Tambahkan 60 gr coklat bubuk.
- Ambil 110 gr tepung kunci.
- Ambil 150 gr butter,lelehkan.
- Ambil 1 sdm pasta coklat.
- Siapkan 1 sdt pasta vanilla.
- Tambahkan 2 sdm skm putih.
- Tambahkan Pelengkap.
- Tambahkan Buttercream,bunga2 beli jadi.
The Black Forest gets its name from the oppressive canopy of evergreens looming above the forest floor. Home to elaborate cuckoo clocks, striking half-timbered houses, ruined castles and quaint towns, the Black Forest is a magical land full of cultural traditions. Here's our guide to some of the most beautiful spots in the area. Modern cuckoo clock, original from the Black Forest (Germany) / modern wooden cuckooclock, original from the Blackforest (Germany) MyKuckoo.
Cara membuat Blackforest pengantin
- Kocok telur,gula pasir,sp sampai ngembang kental.
- Ayak tepung,coklat bubuk dan susu di atasnya sambil di aduk lipat pakai spatula sampai rata.
- Masukan campuran butter leleh,pasta coklat,vanilla,skm aduk pakai spatula hingga rata,homogen.
- Tuang ke dlm 2 loyang bulat/kotak uk 20 cm.panggang 180-190dc,selama 25-30 mnt sampai matang.
- Resep buttercream sdh prnh sy posting ya sist,dan hiasan cake nya sesuai selera yah.
Fairytale villages, thermal baths, casinos and pine and birch-blanketed mountains beckon travelers to southwestern Germany's Black Forest. Scenic drives and train trips showcase the best of the area. Skiing, hiking, mountain climbing, boating and ice-skating are popular activities. Amazon's Choice for black fountain pen ink. Black Forest, mountain region, Baden-Wurttemberg state, southwestern Germany, source of the Danube and Neckar rivers.